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Category: Fitness and health

  1. National No smoking day 13th March Swap fags for Swag

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    No Smoking Day launches on Wednesday 13 March 2013 with a brand new campaign

    On Wednesday March 13th you can find a great reason to really make the decision to stop smoking. If you have been thinking about giving up smoking then why not do it now?

    This year the theme for no smoking day is "Swap Fags for Swag": its all about what smokers will gain when they quit - as well as improved health, they'll have extra cash to spend on whatever they like!

    Many people think about what they will be giving up and think that they will lose something that they love. Of course, even more don't love the cigarettes anyway. I have lost count of the number of smokers who come and see me, and when I ask whether they enjoy smoking they say ..."not any more"!

    By giving up smoking you can find that as well as all of the increases in your health and well being your purse or wallet can start to bulge a little too!

    I once wrote a blog for smokers only, which explained how you could get an iPad by giving up the cigarettes !  I was very pleased when I had an email from a smoker in Scotland who had read the blog and decided that it was just the kick that she needed. I don't always have to hypnotise people to stop because sometimes just a few words can help to change the way that you think about cigarettes.  broken fag

    Often when I speak to smokers I explain to them...

    "You only have to deal with three or four cigarettes."

    Often they respond by saying. "I smoke lots more than that though!"

    That may well be true, but I've found talking to many smokers that even if you smoke 60 a day, you may have noticed that there are only three or four that you really enjoy. Many will be unfinished and not enjoyed anyway.

    Perhaps it’s the first one of the day, or the one after lunch or after a big meal? Maybe you have a personal favorite.

    All the others just ‘slip under the radar’, It's just that habit you have as they cheat their way in without even thinking about them – one in the car or after a coffee break.

    Once you deal with the main cigarettes and start to realise that you don't need those, then, like a house of cards, the whole smoking habit will collapse easily.

    There is a lot more information on my website here helping you to quit smoking now, and if you want to speak to me to arrange an appointment then you can call 07980 233160 or email me HERE.

  2. Maybe the horse meat scandal will help us all.

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    So, the news continues daily. Each morning we awake to find out more about the horses, who rather than running through the fields of our imagination, are ending up in beef burgers and lasagna.

    The story will run and run. Now we hear that horses with traces of the drug Bute may be finding their way into processed food and we wonder what the effects of that will be.

    At first we were all shocked by what we were hearing but as time goes by our shock lessens and we just await the next finding and the next food that has been contaminated with something that we didn't expect.

    So, what good could be coming from this scandal?

    Well, deep down inside we do know that processed foods are often made from cheaper cuts and contain more additives and preservatives than we would get in a normal cut of meat. The fact that it can be taken and put in a microwave to just reheat for a busy person can be seen as a positive. Often these ready meals also contain more calories than something that we prepare for ourselves. The truth is that they are not as healthy as a proper meal that has been prepared from scratch. We all know this but often we choose to go for the convenience and speed over the taste and health. It is always better to make time to cook even though that can be tough.

    But.. perhaps things may change just a little now. Horrible though the horse meat scandal, is the one thing that it is doing is making people think. Thinking about what you eat is always a good idea. Thinking about how you could eat fresh wholesome delicious and nutricious food is a good idea. The more you do this the more you will find that it tastes better, is much more appealing, and is so much more healthy for you.

    Let's face it, we probably all know this anyway, but sometimes a good outcome can come from something that seems shocking at first.

    Just give yourself a little time to think about what you could do that would be positive as a result of what is happening to processed foods.

    I promise that you will benefit from eating better in more ways than I could list so I won't...

    ...Just do me one favour, spend thirty seconds now just thinking about what you would like to eat that is fresh and real. imagine the taste on your tounge, the smells the rich flavour...and remember that next time you are in the supermarket.