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Category: Fitness and health

  1. Dan Brown on Inferno and the subconscious mind just like hypnosis

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    It's unlikely that the publication of the new Dan Brown Novel Inferno will have escaped your notice recently. The best selling author's latest book is based upon Dante's Inferno, which is the first of the seven stages of hell in his Divine Comedy, which he says inspired him to write the story. As ever, it is another roller coaster of a ride which his millions of readers love and critics seem to despise. Dan Brown appeared on BBC Breakfast to promote the novel and had some interesting things to say about his writing process.

    He gets up at 4am every morning (just like I did when I did my early morning radio show, so I have some understanding of the time!). He explained that at this time in the morning it is just like the time between waking and sleeping and dreaming, and his imagination is working on overdrive, and this means that he is really able to utilise the subconscious. It was very interesting hearing him explain things this way because it has a great comparison to the way that hypnosis works. He even said that he tries to give himself lucid dreams by thinking about what he needs to change in the story before he goes to bed. With hypnotherapy we use hypnosis to access that creative subconscious and whilst Dan Brown isn't talking directly about hypnosis it is clear that he is really practicing self hypnosis to help him in the creative process.

    In the same way that children have wonderful imaginations (before we tell them at school to 'stop daydreaming!') Dan Brown is using his imagination to create stories that have an appeal to millions of people across the world.

    Just take a second to think how successful he has been by using his mind and his imagination and I think it will tell you all you need to know about how we can utilise the power of our minds!

    Find out more about the new Dan Brown novel Inferno here.....

  2. Nigella Lawson uses Hypnotherapy for weight loss

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    Another celebrity hits the headlines after it's revealed that they have used hypnosis and hypnotherapy for weight loss.

    This week it is Nigella Lawson who has been showing off her curves. Even as I write that I realise that I am writing like a tabloid hack, but it is true to say that Nigella is as well known for her figure as she is for her cooking. It is being reported that she has lost a total of two stone and this means that her dress size has gone from a size 16 to a size twelve. Of course alongside this she will be feeling so much more full of energy and vigour as well as all the vitality and positive feelings that this brings.

    Nigella Lawson is someone who has often gone on record to say that she doesnt really mind how much she weighs, but like many people who say this they really would like to do something about it.

    After visiting a Harley Street Hypnotherapist she has been able to control her portion sizes and make the changes that she really desires. Many people are surprised when they visit me that I don't advocate going on a diet to lose the weight. When you try and give up chocolate or whatever your vice is you just want it more. In fact I actually have a supply of chocolate in my desk drawer and I have been known to not only give it to clients but even have sweets handed out during talks that I give on "No more Diets" !

    One of the great things about Nigella is that it is clear that she loves her food and her treats and by using hypnosis and hypnotherapy to get a little more control of her weight she can show everyone that you do not have to give up the foods that you love.

    Well done to her and if you would like to find out more about hypnosis for weight loss just click here... Hypnosis to lose weight


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