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Category: Stop smoking hypnotherapy

  1. 150 things that Hypnosis can help you with today

    Posted on

    This blog is unlike any other that I have written.It's not as wordy as normal...or is it just words?!

    What can you use hypnotherapy for...take a deep breath and read on. I’ve got to 150 different things that hypnosis can help you with...but I think there are many many more...I hope you like lists!


    Weight loss, Substance Abuse, Studying Habits, Fears, Phobias, Insomnia, Pain Management, Self-Confidence, Motivation, Self-image, Stress, Anger, Fear of driving on motorways, Frustration, Worry ,Guilt, Forgiveness, Nail biting, Anxiety, Assertiveness, Public speaking, Memory improvement, Concentration levels, Panic attacks, Sports, Stuttering, Fear of Dentists, Lowering blood pressure, Quitting Smoking, Stage fright, Reaching goals, procrastination, Changing habits, Attitude adjustment, Career success, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Exam anxiety, Relationship enhancement, Hair twisting, Nausea, Surgical recovery, Tardiness, Gambling, Performance anxiety, Perfectionism, Lack of initiative, Self-expression, Helplessness, Hopelessness, Overly critical, Negativism, Bereavement and coping with loss through death. Loss, Sadness, Writers Block, Insecurity, Tics, Mistrust, Abandonment, Victimization, Exercise motivation, Anaesthesia, turning down Cravings, Creativity, Presurgical, Trauma, Postsurgical recovery help, Fear of School, Cramps, Chronic Pain, Gagging, Problem Solving, Dreams, Hypertension, Nightmares, Resistance, Headaches, Migraine, remembering where you left things, Responsibility, Immune System, Self-Forgiveness, Fear of Death, Thumb Sucking, Relaxation, Stubbornness, Breathing, Irrational thoughts, Self-Mastery, Fear of Doctor, Fear of Surgery, Assist Healing, Impotency, Child Birth, Sexual Problems, Agoraphobia, Obsessions, Passive-Aggressive, Obsessive-Compulsive, Relaxation, Addictions, Improving overall Health, Bed Wetting, Sleep Disorders, Skin Problems, Medication Side Effects, Premature Ejaculation, Inhibition, Fear of Flying, Fear of Heights, Fear of Water, Fear of Animals, Communication, Self-Defeating Behaviours, Self-Criticism, Irritability, Pessimism, Controlling, Social Phobia, Discouraged, Fear Loss of Control, Hypochondria, Fear of Failure, Self-Awareness, Erectile dysfunction, Fear of Success, Aggression, Lack of Ambition, Self-Esteem, Self-Control, Self-Blame, Inferiority, Hostility, Superiority, Moodiness, Jealousy, Overeating, Fear of heights, Rejection, Age Regression, Shame, Past Life Regression, Indecision, Irrational thoughts, Resistance to Change, Lack of Enthusiasm, Self-Hypnosis, Lack of Direction, Restlessness, Ulcers, learning to relax and breathe easily.

    Mark Powlett Hypnotherapy


    Tel: 07980 233160

    150 things hypnosis can help you with:

    150 things hypnosis can help you with



  2. no smoking day 2014 special offer a quit smoking deal

    Posted on

    This Wednesday March 12th is No Smoking day. Would you like a special deal to help you to quit smoking?

    It's the perfect chance to do what you have thought about doing for a long time. If you really do want to stop smoking for good then I have some great news. Statistics show that trying to quit smoking alone is very hard but with support and help it is much easier. As a clinical hypnotherapist I use quit smoking hypnosis sessions to help people make the change.

    I normally charge £200 for these sessions. quit smoking picture what will you do with the money you save

    To do my bit on No Smoking Day I will be offering five people the chance to quit smoking for 85% less cost than normal. Rather than come and see me and pay £200 I will let five people have a personalised quit smoking programme for just £29.99.

    I can only do this for five people and once all five spaces are gone that will be the end of the offer.

    Stop Press: LINK now Live but only til the end of 12th March or until all five places are filled. Click HERE to find out about the offer

    If you would like to go on the reserve list to be mailed about the offer and told the details once it goes live then please send me an email to [email protected] and I will make sure you receive the offer before it goes live on the website.

    Congratulations for just visiting this page and thinking about becoming a non smoker!  You won't regret it!

    If you come back to this page on March 12th you will also be able to link to the offer on that day only.

    NEWS Here is the link to the OFFER Live only on 12th March Click HERE