Olympic torch bearer hypnotised for success.
posted on 20th July 2012 at 08.24am
I was contacted recently by a lady who proudly ran with the Olympic torch in front of her family, friends and several hundred people, not to mention the many millions watching on the television (although I just did mention them!)
She was one of the very first people to run with the torch and at this point it was still getting wall to wall coverage in the media. It may seem surprising but she was hoping for some help with a fear of public speaking. Despite the fact that she had just appeared in front of so many people her fears were being even more realised now that she was being invited to talk about her experiences.
Many of the torch bearers have found themselves in great demand at local events since their moment to shine. My client was about to open a fete and she told me that she was finding the thought of it a very nerve wracking experience.
As a radio presenter, trained actor and a man who even used to be a stand up comedian I like to think that alongside my hypnotherapy I really can help people with fears like these from the point of view of someone who was in the same boat.
It may seem that I don’t suffer any of the worries that many people do but I was just like anyone else at first. I just found ways to make things easier and by doing this I also really enjoy being in front of an audience. It’s important not to underestimate that fact that speaking to people should be fun and not be a chore.
So, whether you are an Olympic torch bearer, a best man, or just getting up to speak in front of friends there are some tips that can really help you.
- Take a deep breath and relax. I know, that sounds simple, but the physical action of taking a deeper breath, holding it and then letting it go a few times really does calm you down. I have spoken in front of small and large numbers of people and I still make sure this is something that I do every time. It also really helps me to focus.
- Talk about something that you know. This sounds obvious, but it’s really something worth thinking about. You need to feel comfortable with what you are doing and knowing your subject is going to help you immensely.
- Make some cue cards. Jot down some words that help you to know where you are. There is nothing worse than listening to someone just read from a piece of paper. Unless you are Patrick Stewart, it’s going to be a little boring. If you know your subject then a few words to help you along will be all that you need. Those cards will always be there if you need them and you may not even use them at all.
- Don’t worry about what the audience think about you. Put yourself in their shoes. They want to be informed and entertained by you, they are willing you to succeed. They are on your side. So, don’t be afraid to pause and take a breath any time that you need to.
- Remember it’s not school. At school we were picked on at the last minute asked questions we maybe didn’t know the answer to and perhaps even made to look foolish. That was a long time ago and now YOU are in charge of things, so it’s all down to your preparation. If you know your subject you can’t go wrong.
- ENJOY IT! If you enjoy it then the chances are that your audience will too. And the more you enjoy it the more that you will find you wish to do it even more.
Of course there are lots of other ideas and exercises that you can do. This is just the start and if you remember one thing, remember that the people who are listening want you to do well as much as you do. They are on your side and, unless you are in a bear pit late night comedy show at Edinburgh....they really want you to do well.
Oh...and if you are thinking “did Mark get a picture of himself with the torch?” here is the answer...