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» Listings for 2014

  1. When is the new Adele album out? Singer Adele has vanished from our screens even if her music still gets played on rotation all around the world but she hasn't been resting on her laurels, she has decided join the list of celebrities who quit smoking with hypnosis.

    Adele has spoken about wanting to quit smoking before and part of her problem has been that she herself says that she loves smoking and if she wasn't a singer then she would just carry on smoking as much as she wanted. She has now visited a Harley Street Hypnotherapist to have a session to help her stop smoking with hypnosis. This isn't the first time that Adele has had hypnotherapy though. In intervews during the release of the James Bond movie that she sand the theme tune to, Skyfall, she talked about how she suffered from nerves about going on stage. Hypnotherapy for nerves that happen in performing is very common indeed.


    In the past she has had to cancel tour dates and it was said that this was in part due to her neves. This also happened because her doctors warned her that if she didn't quit smoking for good then she would damage her vocal cords for good.

    Hypnotherapy is in fact statistically the most successful way to give up smoking. It's much more successful than using patches and gum and can save you a huge amount of money as well as helping you to get your health back.

    Adele will find that Hypnotherapy won't work for her! ... But would it work for you?

    The most interesting thing is that in this case it simply wont work and Adele has spent money on going to a Harley Street Hypnoherapist who has charged a huge amount for the service when they should not have bothered. Watch the video below and you can see that the way Adele talks about quitting smoking that it isn't something she actually wants to do. When you watch the video below and listen to the way that she talks about smoking it is clear that actually she doesn't want to give up smoking at all. You would think if you went to see a Harley Street Hypnotherapist they would be acting in your best interests but in this case it seems that has not happened...

    Adele...you can't stop smoking with hypnosis if you don't want to! Watch and see what she says for yourself below....


    You can read all about hypnosis to quit smoking like Adele here: http://www.markpowlett.co.uk/quitsmoking.html

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    I always have a question that I ask anyone who contacts me to ask about quit smoking hypnotherapy and it is simply...How much do you want to stop smoking?  Here's another youtube video that illustrates that point...

    How to Stop smoking with Hypnotherapy video on Youtube....

  2. How do you remember someone’s name when you meet them?

    Do you find that when you meet someone and they introduce themselves to you that their name goes in one ear rolls across your brain and then out of the other ear to be lost forever, leaving you embarrassed and wondering how to find out who they were again? It can add stress to a social or business occasion that you just don't want, as well as feeling embarrassing!

    When you remember someone’s name it makes them feel great and of course it feels great for you too when someone you met remembers who you are.

    Having worked for the BBC as a presenter for years and interviewed many famous people I know that they love using your name back to you, and you instantly feel connected to them and flattered that they remembered it. You feel great about yourself.


    So what can you do to help yourself remember a name when someone tells you theirs?

    Five steps to remember anyone's name...


    Step One

    When they tell you their name ask it them what it is again! 

    “I’m sorry I didn’t catch that?” By asking them again you are already starting to learn their name through repetition. It’s how we learnt our times tables when we were at school and its how I learnt my lines when I was an actor. Just the action of repeating that name helps to lock it into your mind.


    Step Two

     Add some visuals.

    When they introduce themselves we can use the fact that we are much better at remembering pictures than names to help. Do they have a name that is the same as a famous person or a friend of yours? Imagine them looking a little like that person or even a caricatured version of that person. So if they are called Jerry and you have a friend called Jerry who wears glasses you could imagine them with giant glasses like your friend Jerry. Or maybe you could imagine them being chased round the kitchen by a cat called Tom...Tom and Jerry!  It’s getting stuck in your mind already isn’t it !


    Step Three

    Take some time out. You don’t want to have them thinking that you are looking at them for too long as you come up with a way to visualise the name, so if you ask them a question that doesn’t really matter, like, “how did you get here”, or “what about this weather !”,  then you can buy some time to fix that name in your mind.


    Step Four

    Repeat and repeat. If you can find a way to say their name back to them before the end of the conversation then it will really help to fix it in your memory. You may do this at the end of the conversation if you are not comfortable saying someone’s name lots of times. “It was lovely talking to you Rita, I’ll see you later”


    Step Five

    Review that name as you leave. When you leave the conversation you can remind yourself again of a few things that you remember about that person. Review the visual image and the name you called them and it will really help to fix it in your mind.

    When you do this and you remember names it really helps people to feel great and if you know how well it can help you to feel great when someone remembers your name, it’s a skill that’s well worth thinking about.

    Just imagine... all that practice can help you remember other things you need to do like, picking up the milk on the way home or sending a birthday card that you need to make sure gets put in the post. The possibilities are endless.