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  1. My talk at Gillian Wesley's Catwalk Cafe in Knowle

    Posted on

    Think yourself thin. No more diets ever


    After getting the year underway with my talk at the WI Lite group in Stratford this week I am really looking forward to my next talk later this month.

    It takes place at Gillian Wesley's Catwalk Cafe in Knowle and it's a little bit different!

    It's called "Think yourself thin". At this time of year so many people are thinking about making a new start after Christmas and many many go on diets. Sometimes they may lose a little weight, sometimes they fall off the wagon pretty quickly. So, my talk is all about the fact that diets just don't work. I will be talking about different ways to deal with your weight and how to help yourself get to a weight that you want and stick there.

    It's not about giving up the things that you really love. I still eat chocolate and love it. I even had a few packets of crisps over the Christmas period, knowing that i wouldn't put weight on.

    So what is my secret ?  Well I guess you may have to come and see me on the talk to find out !


    It's on 30th January at the Catwalk Cafe in Knowle from 7pm.

    think yourself thin, no more diets..ever