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  1. paul mckenna hypnotic gastric band review

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    Paul Mckenna's gastric band hypnosis seems to have exploded into the public arena and really taken off in the past few weeks. It seems to have caught the imagination of many people who think that they may want to by hypnotised into thinking they have a gastric band in order to lose weight. Is losing weight with a hypnotic gastric band a good idea though? I have already written one blog post about it shortly after it was launched so if you want to read the "Paul Mckenna Gastric band hypnosis does it work" blog just click here

    Since that time I have seen quite an increase in the number of people talking about it so I wanted to take a look at that. My objections to the idea of gastric band hypnotherapy are based around the fact that it really does not address the underlying issues of the client and that many people do not need it. In the case of a surgical gastric band it would not be given to a patient unless they had been assessed and given counselling. They would have to go through a long process to ensure that it is the right thing for them. In fact many patients have to lose weight first and prove that they are able to do this before they are even given the chance to have a gastric band operation.

    This week I gave a talk all about "Think yourself thin" to a group of ladies. I spoke about how diets don't work and that all we end up doing is denying ourselves things and thinking about food all the time. When we did a question and answer session at the end I was asked what I thought about the Paul Mckenna hypnotic gastric band. Of course, it was a question I was expecting as I have had the conversation and question from quite a few clients this week as well (and not just the ones wanting help with weight loss!).

    The really positive thing is that it gets people talking about hypnosis and hypnotherapy, because it really does help and it really does make a huge difference to millions of people's lives. As the use of hypnosis becomes more widespread even more people can see the benefits and the myths and misunderstandings that have surrounded what we do can be shaken off.

    So, checking out the many blogs that people have been writing it seems that Paul Mckenna is on to a winner with his hypnotic gastric band hypnosis book and CD.  He is certainly selling a lot of copies. Reading what people are saying they do seem to be finding a benefit and feeling fuller and eating less. There can be lots of reasons for this, not least the fact they want it to work, and of course that is a perfectly good reason. It certainly helps to spur people on.

    I still have misgivings about the long term effects.  For example if you crave certain foods or eat at emotional times I wonder how that will pan out in the months to come? If these are not addressed then perhaps the weight will creep back on.

    It's something that I will be continuing to follow on a regular basis, because we all want to move forward in what we do.. and who knows in the future it may well be something that many more people follow. Of course one of the interesting things is that Paul Mckenna is being seen as the inventor of the hypnotic gastric band by some in the media and this really isn't the case. I do take my hat of to Paul for raising awareness of hypnosis and the thing he does is sees what works and then takes it and brings it to the masses so I do hope that he gives a little bit of credit to the people who spent a long time working on this before him !

    If you would like to take look at some of the reviews on amazon you can go there here...

       Paul Mckenna Gastric band hypnotherapy and Freedom from Emotional eating

    ...and if you would like to try a FREE 10 minute relaxation MP3 then just click here....


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    If you are looking for an introduction into hypnotherapy and it is your first experience the the gastric band hypnosis MP3 above may well be exactly what you are lookign for to help you lose with with hypnosis.
    " I have yet to meet anybody who has had ‘gastric band hypnotherapy programme’ that has lost and kept off the weight, without supporting changes in behaviour"  P Howard


  2. Does Paul McKenna Gastric band hypnosis work?

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    Follow Mark Powlett Hypnotherapy on Google+ for FREE help and advice

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    Does Paul McKenna Gastric band hypnosis work?

    I was somewhat surprised, to say the least, when I was confronted with a new book and CD called "Paul Mckenna's hypnotic gastric band, the new surgery-free weight loss system". In the past Paul McKenna has always been very vocal in his stance against the idea of Gastric band hypnosis as it doesn’t always deal with the issues behind why people put on weight. So, does the Paul Mckenna gastric band hypnosis book and CD work? and is gastric band hypnosis a good idea anyway?

    My own website has information that you may find useful if you are considering gastric band hypnosis for yourself and I have to say that I have not been a fan of the concept myself, here is my practice home and thoughts.

    Paul Mckenna though has now changed his mind and has jumped on the Gastric band hypnosis train so I thought it would be interesting to take a look at what he said in an interview on BBC Breakfast with Louise Minchin and Charlie Stayt on January 11th 2013.

    You can buy his new book and CD for Paul Mckenna Gastric band hypnosis here...

     Hypnotic Gastric Band from Paul Mckenna

    Here is what Paul McKenna had to say...

    “When I first heard about gastric band hypnosis I was sceptical but it’s amazing how much success there has been with it. The way that it works is that by tricking the mind into thinking the stomach smaller and therefore is full sooner it can reduce the amount that you eat. You eat less, you stop, you leave food on your plate and you don’t feel like you need to eat any more.

    All of the decisions about what you eat, and when you eat take place in the mind, the mind is like a computer, and if you like we are reprogramming it with this technique..

    Your mind and body are communicating together all the time, so you can influence your body, if you think of something really scary your heartbeat will quicken, if you think of something relaxing it will slow.”

    Paul continued...

    “Studies have been done in America over the last few years where people have been able to boost their immune system through visualisation techniques, and we don’t know the limits of what is possible, but this technique where you convince your mind that your body has a smaller stomach has a strong effect on your behaviour, because the people who use it, for example a group with “The Sun” newspaper last week, all of them lost weight and they said “I feel a bit guilty because I am not really doing anything at all. I just feel full; suddenly I don’t want to eat as much.”

    He did go on to talk about other techniques that can be used rather than the gastric band hypnotherapy.

    “If I could give one piece of advice, and there are a number of studies from around the world to prove this works, if you eat slowly and eliminate distractions you will eat significantly less. If you eat and watch TV you will eat more, if you eat and read a magazine you will eat more. If you put the knife and fork down and you chew and eat slowly you will eat much less as you can hear the signals telling you that you are full.”

    If you would like to hear the FREE relaxation MP3 audio click here

    Like Paul I have not really been a fan of gastric band hypnosis as there are many ways that we can help people to reduce weight without them needing to imagine going through a whole operation. Although the operation really doesn’t take place of course, the whole scenario is imagined and for the vast majority of people that operation would not be necessary.

    I can help you to lose weight by changing the way that you eat and your relationship with food.

    Why not drop me a line if you have any questions. I would love to hear from you.

    ...and if you want to buy Paul's book you can get it right here from Amazon..

       Paul Mckenna on Amzon

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