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  1. Updated: 11th November 2014 15:00

    I was contacted by a journalist who had seen the video below that was part of this blog that contained a clip of This Morning from yesterday. She explained that she was writing an article about the Speakmans and their practices and would be very interested to interview me for it. I spoke to her and told her that I would not be comfortable doing that at all. I think that talking about the way therapy is portrayed in the media and having an opinion about the way that things can be shown is one thing, but she had misunderstood what I was blogging about if she thought that I would say a bad word about people who are clearly helping to raise awareness of the fact you do not have to live with things that cause you pain in your life. I made my position very clear and was informed that perhaps ITV may not want me to have a clip on my blog any more. Shortly afterwards the video clip was blocked so you are unable to watch it for yourself.  I was surprised to see this happen. Sadly this means that you are unable to watch the clip that is being discussed any more.

    Original Blog Post....

    Sometimes you see things that make you feel uncomfortable as a therapist and this occasion is one of those. A lady called Jessica appeared on ITV's This Morning with Phil and Amanda being treated by the Speakmans for her phobia of costumed characters. But did they really help?

    If you watch the video below you can see what happened for yourself..

    Her fear was stated as being a fear of costumed Christmas characters. Many people may have a fear of costumed characters but how many would have a fear of just Christmas based ones? It's just an example of TV and media bending the situation. It's a big thing in this that she wears a heart rate monitor so that we can see how her heart rate rises when they show a picture. But what happens to that monitor at the end of the show?

    Was she told to take off the heart rate monitor?

    When you are a normal member of the public and wearing a heart rate monitor on Live TV I wonder if you would suggest you take it off? Most people wouldn't unless perhaps it was suggested that they do that before going on air. As she takes it off Phil Schofield says how her heart rate is lower but it's actually going right up at the time.


    By having Nik Speakman dress up in the costume then it clearly shows that she has not let go of her fear at all. By acting as if it has gone it just makes them look foolish in my opinion. The plan was to have a whole load of costume characters but that had to be scrapped. Nik Speakman, who she has been working with all morning, so would clearly feel happy seeing, dresses up very slowly in a costume and then put the face over his face very slowly in full view.

    This isn't what she was saying she was scared of at all. She knows exactly who it is so what's the point?

    Sadly, I have no faith that her fear has gone at all. My biggest problem is that they even do this. Because they are the favourites of This Morning there is a pressure on them as well as that on the lady they are working on. They should have explained that she wasn't over her fear and doing this shows nothing at all.

    I really do hope that she was given the support that she needed after the show to make sure that her phobia is gone so that she need not worry about it any further in her life. I think that ITV should have a duty of care to finish what was started here. My issue isn't with the Speakmans who clearly want to do their best in the time scale but with the time scale itself. She needed to show that all was ok before the end of the show as the credits rolled and you should never rush therapy for the cameras.


    The good news..

    It's not all bad though. As long as the Speakmans work on her phobia with her in private and make sure that they deal with it all then she will be fine. This isn't so much a problem with the Speakmans and what they are doing as with TV and the media. It's a shame they didn't do it in a way that showed them in a better light. You can overcome and end any fear or phobia. As a clinical hypnotherapist I would never suggest that we do it in an hour. Most of my clients only have 3-4 sessions and their fear is gone forever.


    The pressure of Live TV just leads to pretending in order not to seem like a failure and I only work with my clients at their own pace, and in their own time and way.

    You can read more about fears and phobias here: http://www.markpowlett.co.uk/hypnotherapyforphobias.html

    You can download a FREE "How to Stop a Panic Attack" MP3 here: http://www.markpowlett.co.uk/howtostopapanicattack.html

    You can speak to me in confidence on 07980 233160 or email me on [email protected]

  2. NHS Smokefree is an initiative much like Stoptober which is designed to give you help and support when you decide that you want to quit smoking for good.

    How does Hypnotherapy fit into the scheme of things when you want to stop smoking?

    Can Quit Smoking Hypnosis provide you with the help that you need?


    Stoptober began back in October 2012 and the aim was to help people with the knowledge that if you stop smoking for 30 days then you are much less likely to smoke again. Smokefree is the next NHS scheme to help you to quit smoking and it works all year long providing help and advice to many thousands of people who really want to end that smoking habit and give up cigarettes for the rest of their life.

    As Smokefree point out quitting smoking could well be the best decision you make in your life. You can get back that health that you would lose, be there for your family and save a huge amount of money that you can spend on things like holidays, cars or whatever you desire!


    You can watch a short youtube video about quit smoking hypnotherapy where I answer some of the questions about how hypnosis works below..





    Why doesn't the NHS pay for Hypnosis to stop smoking?

    It's interesting that despite the statistics showing that hypnotherapy is the most successful way to stop smoking for good they sadly do not pay for this and you need to see someone like myself privately for help.

    Statistics show that the most successful way to stop smoking is with hypnosis. Will power alone has a success rate of just 7% which shows just how hard it is to do these things on your own. Of course we all need a little help and once we get the right support there is no reason why you can't give up cigarettes for good.

    Buy this on Selz Selz powering ecommerce websites


    How can hypnotherapy help?

    Hypnotherapy to quit smoking works really well to help you change that habit. I know how well it works because I gave up smoking with hypnosis myself many years ago. I would never have another cigarette now and in fact just the thought of tasting one makes me feel a horrible taste in my mouth. I am full of energy and run and cycle without getting out of breath and I have lost count of the thousands of pounds that I have saved. If that sounds like something you think would benefit you then you are most likely to be able to benefit from quit smoking hypnotherapy. There really is only one important question to ask and it's a question that anyone who is thinking of stopping smoking should ask themselves before they try and stop the cigarettes...


    How much do you really want to stop smoking?

    It's a very important question because if you don't really want to stop smoking then quitting will be very difficult for you even if you use hypnosis. No one can make you do anything that you do not want to do...but if you want to stop then hypnotherapy to quit smoking works really well.



    If you would like to book a session or ask any questions at all you can email me at [email protected] I am more than happy to discuss how you could benefit from stopping smoking with hypnosis and tell you more about my own experiences.

    There is also lots of free help and advice on quitting smoking here on this website. Take a look here: http://www.markpowlett.co.uk/quitsmoking.html

    What happens in a hypnotherapy to quit smoking session?

    Sessions last about an hour and half and we spend about half that time talking about your history of smoking and why you do and going the benefits of your stopping smoking which means that when we do the hypnotherapy part then I know exactly what will work for you. The hypnotherapy is really just a case of closing your eyes and relaxing. You are aware of everything that I am saying and you are always in control. Being relaxed means that you are much more open to suggestion and most clients find that when they open their eyes they already feel that they simply don't want another cigarette. I always record the session and let you have a copy so you can listen at home to reinforce the work we do and it is also a relaxing way to take some time out for yourself, which is something we can all benefit from!


    You can find out how to book an appointment here: http://www.markpowlett.co.uk/appointments.html




    As well as working in my practice in Redditch, I also work across the UK and the world via Skype so you can benefit from stop smoking hypnosis wherever you are..Skype Hypnotherapy to quit smoking




    If you would prefer to download an MP3 you can listen to right away then you can also do that right now..

    Buy this on Selz Selz powering ecommerce websites




     NHS smokefree provide lots of resources and advice. You can access those here: NHS Smokefree