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» Listings for 2017

  1. U2 famously said "I still haven't found what I'm Looking for". Well now I want to ask you to do a simple task and look for something yourself.

    pens in a pot RF

    The only thing is that I think you will find it harder than you imagine.

    On paper, all I am going to ask you to do is look at a picture and then count the number of pens on my desk. In reality I think you may find it a little more difficult that you should.

    SO, take a look at the video and see how you get on...and then see why it was a lot easier than you imagined!

    Before you watch it I will say that there are not too many pens on my desk for you to be able to count them. I am only going to give you three seconds but I think that you should be able to do it in time. You may find it hard or you may in fact, think that it is easier that ever.

    Are you ready ! Press play on the video and....good luck !

  2. Stop Existing, Start Living Christine Woolfenden Book

    I often receive enquiries from people looking for help who are not quite ready to book a session. Although they are not ready to come and see me in person they would like to start to make some changes for themselves.

    In cases like this I often either direct them to my own downloads, or my YouTube channel where there are lots of free videos and hypnosis sessions...or I recommend a book that they can read for themselves.

    Sometimes people even visit me and ask if it is ok that they are also working through a book that they have found whilst the see me. I answer that yes, of course that is fine and in fact it shows me that they really do have a commitment to change.

    One such book that I came across recently is “Stop Existing, Start Living” by Christine Woolfenden. Christine is a Clinical Hypnotherapist like myself and based in Oxfordshire.

    Christine has taken up the pen and written a book that can help you to take control of your life

    One of the interesting aspects of this book is that it uses case studies and talks about situations that have happened to others that you may well find that you can relate to. Telling stories and talking about others is always a good way to help get across ideas and ways of thinking and Christine very much uses this to her advantage and yours.

    Another aspect of this book that I liked, and one which makes it stand out from the crowd, are the audio recordings. You can download MP3 recordings that you can listen to alongside the reading and exercises and these can really help with focus and change.

    When I work with clients I always make sure that they have recordings that they can listen to so that they can reinforce the work we are doing, and having these alongside the book should defintely help you to make the changes you are looking for sooner than later.

    You can find the Book on Amazon below...

    Do you sometimes feel as though you re sleepwalking through life? That you re stuck in a rut? Does each step forward seem to be accompanied by two steps back? Are you fed up with feeling this way, and wondering what you can do about it? Stop Existing, Start Living is designed to help you take control of and responsibility for your life, so that you can start living the life you choose to live. The majority of what we do is driven by our unconscious mind, and follows automatic patterns of response based on our past experiences. Without realising it, we can find ourselves robotically repeating behaviours that actually make our lives worse, leaving us feeling dissatisfied, uncomfortable and ineffective, but not understanding why. Through the relaxing and proven techniques of hypnotherapy, this book will lead you step-by-step through the process of recognising the ways in which your unconscious mind is generating your sense of discomfort and dissatisfaction. The development focus then moves to the goal of changing those old, ineffective responses, bringing to the fore thoughts, feelings and behaviours that will improve your life and your enjoyment of it. Stop Existing, Start Living guides you through a unique and gentle process of change using ten hypnosis audio recordings.