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  1. Hypnotherapy on Skype and Zoom for needle phobia

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    Hypnotherapy on Skype and Zoom for needle phobia

    Online with Skype or Zoom for Hypnotherapy sesssions to end Fear of Needles and Injections

    coronavirus hypnosis and mediation for stress and anxiety

    Are you worried about having an injection for the Coronavirus Vaccine? Perhaps a fear of needles has been something you have been able to live with for a long time. Now, though you need to have an injection and are looking for a way to make it easier.

    As the Covid mass vaccination programme rolls out throughout the UK more and more people are breathing a sigh of relief. The injection of Coronavirus vaccine is helping people to see that even if this is not the end, it’s at least the beginning of the end.

    Millions of people have already had their injections and seeing the pictures on TV of people being vaccinated against Covid it is easy to think that if you have a fear of needles you are alone.

    So many people aren’t worried about the safety of the vaccine, after all it has been fully tested and approved, they’re frightened of the needle it comes in. It may have been easy to live for years without any problems from this, especially if you declined the yearly flu vaccine, but right now things are different and it is in the interests of you, your family and the whole world to get that injection of Covid Vaccine when you are offered the chance.

    This short video explains all about fears and phobias and the good news about how you can let them go forever....

    Are Adults or Children the most scared of needles? and How does it happen?

    Being scared of injections and needles is fairly common in children, and generally with more experience of how they benefit us, this slowly decreases with age.

    It’s generally thought that about 10 per cent of people have some level of anxiety about getting a blood test or receiving an injection. Even so most people carry on through this and they have that needle in their arm to help them overcome whatever the injection is designed to do.

    What do you call a fear of needles and injections?

    However for many this fear can be much worse. It is known as Trypanophobia, or a severe phobia of injections. When things are this bad they can have a very debilitating impact on the sufferers’ life.

    Sometimes people may be so fearful of needles that they faint, which further increases their fear of future events. There are some people who have a medical condition which can cause this, but that doesn’t affect so many people. That fainting can come from the fear and the physical reaction it causes.

    We tend to find that often one bad experience colours our feelings around needles and how we react to injections. Often this is a single bad experience in childhood, perhaps during routine vaccinations or a dental appointment. If the dentist said to you: "just a little scratch" you are likely to be more relaxed than if they said: "this is going to hurt!"

    coronavirus Vaccine

    Can our parents teach us a fear of injections?

    Yes! Often and without even realising it the reaction of your parents if something didn’t go as planned can cause you to be the one with the fear.  This can mean a lack of sleep through worry even days before you are due to have an injection. As children we can pick up on worries that our parents have and they do not always even realise how much we see and hear.

    I often see people who now have their own children and want to make sure that they do not pass on their own fear to their children in the future.

    Whatever your reasons, it is never too late to finally deal with your fear of injections. The issues surrounding Covid and how the Coronavirus has affected the entire world have only brought this into sharper focus for everyone.

    If you would like to let go of your fear of injections then simply drop me a line and I can tell you more about how I can help you to relax and let go of that feeling on a permanent basis.

    Can I have Hypnosis for needle fears online?

    Yes of course. I have been working online with Skype for nearly ten years so I have lots of experience in helping people with fears and phobias to overcome them. Whilst Zoom therapy is now becoming more and more known, you can rest assured that this isn’t something I only started during the covid pandemic.

    Remember, any fear is something that we learn. If you learn it you can unlearn it!

    Just email me by clicking here: [email protected]

  2. Where is Dibs in Search of Self Now? Is Dibs a real person? Review

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    Review of Dibs In Search of Self: Book by Virginia Axline

     Dibs In Search of Self Who is dibs Review

    Synopsis: The Story of one little boy and his journey through childhood life up to his mid-teens, and also an insight into psychotherapy - how it works and what it can mean to people on a practical level.


    Dibs in Search of Self is a book by clinical psychologist and author Virginia Axline published in 1964.

    The book chronicles a series of play therapy sessions over a period of one year with a boy (Dibs) who comes from a wealthy and highly educated family. Despite signs that he is gifted; his mother, father, and most of his teachers perceive him as having an emotional or cognitive disorder. Dibs presents abnormal social behaviour by continuously isolating himself, rarely speaking, and physically lashing out at those around him. When Axline first meets Dibs' parents, they describe her as their son's last hope. The book details the interactions between Dibs and Axline and utilizes actual session transcripts for dialogue.


    This is a fascinating read for anyone who is interested in childhood development, or who has even had children, or has ever worked with children, or what has ever been a child.

    In short, even if you are already aware of how we develop as a result of the interactions that we encounter as a child this report of what happened in this one case can resonate with us based on our own ideas, memories and experience.


    Through the diary of her interactions with the child she calls Dibs Axline shows us how she was able to help him grow, and deal with the issues that he faced with parents who seemed to have very little idea about how to treat him.


    The passages detail incidents that can demonstrate great ways to relate to children and remind us about things that we may not always be aware of, even if we are aware of them..


    “When the five minutes were up, we will go back to his room. I didn't ask him if he wanted to go. There was no real choice for him to make I didn't ask him if he would like to come back again. He might not want to commit himself besides that decision was not up to him to make I didn't say that I would see him next week because I had not yet completed the plans with his mother. This child has been hurt enough without my introducing promises. That might not materialize. I didn't ask him if he had had a good time. Why should he be pinned down to an evaluation of the expression? It's just as if a child's play is his natural way of expressing himself. Why should we cast in a rigid mould of stereotype response. The child is only confused by questions have been answered by someone else before he is asked.” When we look into passages like this it can show us how we should think carefully about the questions we ask and he what we say matters more than we sometimes realise.


    It’s difficult when you already work with children and parents to read this book and not feel that the parents clearly are very responsible for the actions of the child. We do learn during the course of the book that things have not always been easy at home, and it is to the parents credit that they continue Dibs’ sessions and they grow as parents in understanding themselves too.


    Sometimes it is very difficult to keep firmly in mind the fact that the parents to have reasons for what they do, have reasons locked in the depths of their personalities for their inability to love, to understand, to give of themselves to their children.


     Is Dibs In Search of Self a Real Person?

    By the time Dibs has reached the end of his time with Axline his changes are something that he also is aware of. He started at the age of five and was just six when he finished but his own self awareness has increased with his confidence and understanding of his circumstances in a way that seems beyond his years.


    “this is my last visit to the playroom” he said speaking into the microphone, “this is dibs talking this is my voice I came to the playroom I did so many things in the playroom I am dibs.” there was a long pause “I am dibs” he repeated slowly, “maybe in the fall I will come back again for a visit maybe for just one more visits after the summer I'm going away for the summer and I will be beside the ocean I will listen to the waves I will play in the sand”


    We find later that Dibs has moved just up the street to Axline and she hears him outside her window and recognises his voice, delighting in his interactions with another child. She even meets him and his parents on the street and Dibs reminds her of his time with fond remembrance.

    It is a fascinating book and a great read in itself. Axline is at pains to point out that everything happened, the names have been changed but the rest of the story is based on actual diaries and transcripts of events.

    It is tempting to wonder if as a story it is all a little too convenient, especially when Dibs happens to move in up the street, but in therapy story telling is a very compelling and effective way to make change, so perhaps it doesn’t matter if parts of the tale relate to more than one person who becomes an amalgam that creates Dibs. Perhaps my feeling that he is more than one case is wrong and it is a credit to the book that I feel almost wrong in even putting that theory across.

    You can find the book on Amazon here:  https://amzn.to/36cc3nh